
Showing posts from March, 2023

Revision Rhinoplasty in Chandigarh

If from just a glance at your face, someone is able to tell that you've had a nose job, chances are, a nose job gone wrong. A nose repair gone wrong is a highly specialized area and demands an entirely different process. This is called revision rhinoplasty. In primary rhinoplasty, tissues are removed from different areas, while in revision plastic surgery, tissues are usually combined. Revision rhinoplasty as stated earlier is a highly specialized procedure and requires a very high degree of skill. There are several differences between primary and secondary rhinoplasty. Here the patient is often skeptical and distrustful of the skill of the cosmetic surgeon. Secondary rhinoplasty is often not covered by insurance, and therefore patients have to pay out of pocket, with these patients often taking their frustration out on cosmetic surgeons. It is important that cosmetic surgeons listen to the patient first, as in such cases convincing the patient that they have come to the rig