Learn more about breast augmentation surgery
The most common plastic surgery procedure performed worldwide is breast augmentation. Breast augmentation in Chandigarh will improve your appearance and self-confidence by enlarging and proportioning your breasts to the rest of your body. Breast augmentation can also be used to address variations in breast size or sagging breasts that can arise due to pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Preoperative Preparation
Breast augmentation in Chandigarh offers a wide range of choices and options, necessitating careful planning to determine the options are right for you. These options have benefits and drawbacks that you should be aware of before consulting with your surgeon.
Breast implants in Chandigarh will not help if the breasts are seriously drooping. A breast lift may be needed to associate breast augmentation if you want your breasts to look fuller and lifted due to sagging. Breast lifting may either be performed concurrently with the augmentation or as a separate procedure. This decision will be made with the help of your plastic surgeon.
Most patients prefer silicone implants to saline implants because they look and sound more normal. Modern silicone implants are very different from the old silicone implants common in the 1970s and 1980s. Another benefit of cohesive gel silicone implants is that they come in a range of circular and tear-drop forms, making it easier to choose the right implant for your desired breast form.
Profile of Safety
In the late 1980s, there was a lot of misinformation about silicone. The effects of silicone implants have also been widely researched, with 100,000s of women with breast implants being examined. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America published a study in June 1999 confirming that there are no increased risk of cancer, immunologic, or neurological disorders associated with silicone breast implants in the late 1980s. Breastfeeding is not affected by implants, so patients can continue to breastfeed naturally.
Surgical procedures
Breast implant surgery in Ludhiana is normally done as a day-stay or overnight-stay procedure, requiring a general anesthetic and lasting 1-2 hours.
Breast implants in Chandigarh may be hidden behind the breast tissue or hidden under the pectoralis muscle on the chest wall. Breast implants in Chandigarh inserted under the muscle have a more natural appearance, are less likely to harden (capsular contracture), and are easier to see on mammography. There's also the option of making an incision in the crease under the breast, under the areola, or in the armpit, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks that you can negotiate with your surgeon.
For the first 7-10 days after breast implant surgery in Chandigarh, light tasks should be restricted, with no lifting or heavy duties. Within seven days of breast implant surgery in Ludhiana, most patients can drive and return to work. Heavy workouts and sports should be avoided for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.

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